Astronomically Cool

Astronomically Cool

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Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to TheBee's Kneeeeees! I just wanted to say "Welcome!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Total Mind-Blowing!

The Vlogbrothers, John and Hank Green, are my favorite people in the whole YouTube.  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, they come out with delightfully insightful and witty under-four-minute videos, sometimes in song form, and sometimes in cute baby form.  As it happens, the theme of this week seems to be--you guessed it--astronomy!  I... am stoked about it.  You know that I am stoked from my use of the word "stoked," which I believe normally ought to refer only to the verb involving fire.  Today's video covers the hugeness that is the universe and the galaxies of which it is composed, as well as the role of the Hubble telescope.  View it here, and let me know if you manage to glean anything from it that I've missed, which is probably plenty.


  1. Well, I watched the video and was highly amused. However, as it seems to be dangerously approaching midnight, I find myself utterly unable to leave any witty insights at the current time. So sorry

  2. I quite appreciate your effort, anyway. I feel like it was one of the less substantial videos, information-wise. Perhaps John will have more to say on the topic on Wednesday, but Hank is usually the more science-y.
