Astronomically Cool

Astronomically Cool

Welcome to TheBee'sKnees!

Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to TheBee's Kneeeeees! I just wanted to say "Welcome!"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hey Everyguys,

Look outside tonight because it's the full moon I was talking about.  It's a magical time, even if you're not superstitious enough to believe in things like werewolves and witchcraft.  And most of us aren't.  The point is the mystery of it; we don't know who or what is lurking out there.  We don't exactly know what function we all serve, floating around a gigantic ball of burning energy.  But on nights of the full moon, we remember that we are, and it gives us pause.

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator. - Mohandas Gandhi

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