Astronomically Cool

Astronomically Cool

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Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to TheBee's Kneeeeees! I just wanted to say "Welcome!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Remember the time I complained about the Pluto thing, and how it came outta nowhere?

I'm reading a book now.  Well, "reading."  I'm on page two, currently.  But it's called The Pluto Files: The Rise and Fall of America's Favorite Planet, by Neil DeGrasse Tyson.  Before the whole deplanetization thing, I have to confess that I was pretty partial to Jupiter--it's just so giant and orange!--but now, I am rather severely attached to the little dwarf planet.  (I'm not poking fun; that's really what it's called these days.)  And after some skimming, I am convinced that it'll provide an entertaining reading experience.  It mentions my favorite Jonathan Coulton song, I'm Your Moon (which you can hear by typing in "Jonathan Coulton" and scrolling around a bit in the music-player gadget at the bottom of this page), as well as several others, and it contains several letters from angry Pluto-lovers young and old, all of which, as far as I've seen, are adorable.

Okay, more on that later.  Until next time, shoot for the stars! =]

1 comment:

  1. I just noticed something. Pluto Files and Plutophiles. I think this guy secretly knows exactly how we feel about Pluto. He wants it to be a planet too. Right on, Mr. Tyson!
