Astronomically Cool

Astronomically Cool

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Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to TheBee's Kneeeeees! I just wanted to say "Welcome!"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Masters of the Universe

I've been reading some more, and this person believes the NASA program was responsible for making America sort of the "Master of the Universe," if you will.  The first moon landing was a great victory for America in the Cold War with the Soviet Union, and it has been called America's finest hour.  Today, many seem to believe that America has fallen from its pedestal of universe mastery, but also that a return to the moon could restore her.  The article's criticism of Obama's alleged "No we can't" attitude seems a little harsh, however.  His acceptance speech was strewn with "Yes We Can"s.  Maybe that's supposed to be irony.  I don't really know!  That's the whole point.  I'm on a quest for the truth, here, and I need your opinions!  Go go go!

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