Astronomically Cool

Astronomically Cool

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Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to TheBee's Kneeeeees! I just wanted to say "Welcome!"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Final Blog, The Blog Finale, Finally.

But not really--I will probably keep blogging.

Nummer Einz (#1):
I would call myself a synthesizing mind because I mostly compiled other people's input and sought to comment on it and make evaluations.  For example, my penultimate blog post contained an excerpt from the novel the curious incident of the dog in the night-time, which  I swear simply has no capitalization. While I sometimes drew somewhat original deductions from these sources, it was mostly reiteration.

Nummer Zwei (#2):
a) I think challenging my beliefs was my primary intent.  I am a natural mugwump.  Having concrete opinions frightens me.  In this blog, I challenged myself to think extensively on topics such as the wisdom of cutting NASA funds, whether Pluto's demotion from planet status was necessary, and how the world will end.
b) By challenging my beliefs, I managed to generate a few hypotheses, which did not go unchallenged by my readers, most faithfully the Alternative Energy guru Bryan, whose vast database of miscellaneous trivia was key in The Quest for Truth.  For instance, I suggested that we as society worry less about the apocalypse becasue by the time it happened, no humans would be around anymore anyway.  I also hypothesized that an alien invasion of earth is sort of inevitable--a mere matter of "when"--and that this could be a more serious issue if they are anything like the European colonists were upon settling in America.
c)  Finally, I read with awareness of myself and of others.  I know that I am indecisive, and I took others' opinions into account in order to formulate my own.  If this included admitting a piece of faulty information, I accepted that.

Nummer Drei (#3):
The piece about an alien invasion was probably the most startling.  I began this blog under the impression that the most urgent matter in the Astronomy world was the potential for cuts in NASA's budget, which might be bad.  Now I know that there are some who say we need to worry about territorial extraterrestrial lifeforms.  I'm of the mindset that there isn't much we can do, so worrying about that would serve little purpose, but it was alarming to hear.

And now, without further ado, I conclude the AP Language chapter of my Astronomy-related blogging.  I'll try to stay posted on the world of Astronomy and keep any readers I may maintain posted as well.  But this is me saying "Auf Wiedersehen" to my greatest source of motivation.  You stay classy.